Monday, October 5, 2009

Entering the Red Tent

Another bleed, this time was 14 days after ovulation, and this cycle different again. I felt like I was incredibly bloated before my bleed, like incredibly, looked 6mths pregnant which was freaking me out cause untill I bled, I assumed it was weight gain. But today, all I've done is wee and poo, so maybe tomorow I will look just chunky instead of with child!

I have titled this post entering the Red Tent, because today has felt a little like being in the Red Tent for me, in as much as I did nothing all day today. I didnt actually ask The Divine Miss A for a day off, I just didnt do anything! She cooked and washed up all day and even took the kids out side. I just sat about reading some books and being slow. It made such a change to the usual first day of my bleed, which I am either sat at a park with the kids for a homeschool meet, or shopping, or racing about. Felt quite nurturing.... I guess I should make the most of it, because if things work out, I may only have one or 2 bleeds left this year........ Unfortunately, I am back on duty tomorow, but hey, today was nice. Nice to be slow, to respect my self and allow my body to bleed and that's all.....

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